There's a pink moon tonight, here's what it means

For your consideration…

How fun! Today’s message is just a little update on where we are in the astrology calendar.

All over Facebook the last couple of weeks we have seen messages reminding us to look out for the “Pink Full Moon.” For most of us the moon does not look pink. I was flying last night and it did not look pink. It is called the pink moon because it is our moon when the flowers….many of them pink….are starting to blossom.

The pink full moon is significant because it is the start of many important religious holidays. Easter is the first Sunday after this moon. It is the also the beginning of Jewish Passover and the Hindu Hanuman festival.

As with all full moons, we can feel a shifting of energy. It is only natural because the moon controls the tides. Much of Earth and our bodies are water so we feel the pull of the moon. It is a natural ebb and flow. It is a natural rhythm. While we may feel the urge to resist, it is best to relax into the flow.

There’s more. April 9 through May 3 Mercury is in retrograde. Things that we have not been able to end may be ended for us. Communication is tougher. We are often cautioned not to start new ventures, sign contracts etc. during Mercury retrograde. We are also reminded to pay attention to what we say and write so that we are not misconstrued. On the flip side, before we get our back up and feel offended, consider that perhaps that is not the intention of the deliverer.

Communication during Mercury Retrograde can be tough. Technology can be tough. Plans may be hard to carry out. It is hard to get things done so don’t put too much on our plates. We need to be careful of our finances and not take risks right now.

During Mercury Retrograde we are reminded to relax and breathe. Don’t force, go with the flow.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Breathe, relax….go with the flow. Notice Mother Earth waking up.

What made me smile yesterday…..

-A fun morning with Cathy running errands, having lunch.

-An easy traveling day.

-It felt so funny to be traveling across the country west to east for me while Alex and James were doing the same except east to west. Ahhh, the world we live in.

-Even walking in the door at 2:30 in the morning, I got a happy, happy greeting from our dog, Dude.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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