For your consideration….

In our lifetime we are presented with many roads to travel. Sometimes the choice is clear to us. Other times we have to take a chance and travel the vastly unknown one. One thing we do know for sure is that we can only travel one road at a time.

And while the road may or may not be known and one of our choice, we do have a choice on how we travel it. We have control over our intention and attitudes. We can travel in anger kicking and screaming, whining and complaining, sad in the poor me. Or we can put on our big girl pants, suck it up and commit to being the best we can be contributing the benefit of the whole.

We have all heard the marital advice, “Don’t go to bed angry.” It is the same with anything. We can disagree and we need to voice it. Then we need to work to resolution and let it go. We can either be part of the problem or the solution. We can not be both….we can only travel one road.

If we are having a hard time letting go of anger, we need to pause, be still and find out where our anger is originating. What is our intention? Is it one of love? If not, it is the anger and outrage of the ego. What is the source of our indignation? Do I feel loved and loving expressing it?

Staying in or perpetuating a state of anger is very harmful to not only ourselves but also others. So how do we change it around? We let go and let God. We stop, pause and remember who is in charge. He knows what he is doing. We remember that we do not have all of the pieces. We can not see the entire road but he can. We hand our anger over to him and return to the peace of faith.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-If we are angry or disheartened, express it, hand it over to God and let it go. Return to peace.


What made me smile yesterday….

-Sun. Wahoo.

-A great class of 5th graders albeit a couple of stinkers. “Ms. Adams, can I read?” “No, you are supposed to be doing root words on your computer.” “I don’t want to can I read instead.” “No, we are sticking to the plan. You need to do your root words.” That was met with a mad student stomping and muttering while he was walking away.

-Jack and Jody have such a positive attitude after their house has been flooded. Prayers for them that it does not happen again.

-Catching up with Shannon, Jackie and Cathy.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris



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