For your consideration….

Life complicates everything. Isn’t that the truth.

Our message today tells us that at birth we knew the authentic truth of life. That truth is our beacon. We were given a life tool box with everything we need to get to keep us honed in on it.

We are also told that life complications are deliberately set in front of us to help us learn our lessons. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes not so easy to stay focused on our beam of light and truth.

Listen and watch. The loudest voices for intolerance are the most in tolerant of all. They can not hear themselves. They can not hear their hypocrisy. Those who scream of free speech are often the first ones to squelch it. Those who protest injustice are often the first to deny justice to others if it does not fit their narrative.

We were born in love’s truth. Shouting, screaming. ranting, threatening etc. will not promote our truth. The truth of life in its simplest form is love. Sometimes we are called to protest. We need to protest. But make no mistake, there is not a different set of rules. If we can not protest with love at the very foundation, then we must not protest.

Perhaps our biggest challenge….our hardest lesson…is to be the living example of the truth of life. Living in the light of love, the grace of love, the peace of love, the tolerance of love, the faith of love shouldn’t be hard. We were born knowing this. Yet life’s complications often make it so.

Today we are reminded to stay in the light of our own beacon home. If we find we have stepped away, remember, our beacon is always on and ready for us to come back to it.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Move, exercise.

What made me smile yesterday….

-A good book.

-Catching up with Jackie and my brother, Gordie.

-Alex made it safe and sound cross-country to Key West from Washington.

-Let me tell you about yesterday….

I sometimes mention that I sometimes worry if I got the entire message. Did I leave anything out? I pray I understood it right. Yesterday’s message was about “Life Interruptions.” We were told that we may or may not understand the why but none the less there are no mistakes. We are where we are supposed to be.

After I wrote the blog, I got ready and went to school. The roads were an icy mess and it took me awhile. When I got to school, there were no cars in the parking lot. As I pulled in to check my phone for school closings (Yes, I should have done that at home. But wait….), I see another car pull in front of the school on the parent drop/pick up circle. A girl gets out and goes to the school. I watch to see if she gets in thinking maybe school is just going to have a delayed start. The mom seems to wait and then takes off. I think the student has gone in. Then I see her. Her mom has gone and she has not been able to get into the school. I finish checking my phone and see there is no school. I rolled down the window and call to the girl to let her know. I asked her if she had a phone to call her mom back. She did not. I have her come sit in my car and use mine.

What an affirmation for yesterday’s message. Yes, I made a mistake not checking. Yes, it was a horrible drive to school. Yes, it seemed like it was a waste of time and a whole lot of trouble. BUT,,,that school is out in the country. There were no houses around. Had I not had that “life interruption” that student would have been stranded.

Don’t you just love it?

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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