For your consideration….

I’ve Gotta Be Me
written by Walter Marks
Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
I gotta be me, I’ve gotta be me
What else can I be but what I am

I want to live, not merely survive
And I won’t give up this dream
Of life that keeps me alive
I gotta be me, I gotta be me
The dream that I see makes me what I am

That far away prize, a world of success
Is waiting for me if I heed the call
I won’t settle down, won’t settle for less
As long as there’s a chance that I can have it all

I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be
I can’t be right for somebody else
If I’m not right for me
I gotta be free, I’ve gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die
I’ve gotta be me

I’ll go it alone, that’s how it must be
I can’t be right for somebody else
If I’m not right for me
I gotta be free, I just gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die
I gotta be me

We are the only version of us. We are one of a kind. The best version of us is the one we create by the choices we make. No one can do it for us. It is totally up to us.

We are reminded today that our job, our life purpose, is to be the best we can be and above all….LOVE and BELIEVE in OURSELVES.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Be yourself. Celebrate you.

What made me smile yesterday….

-A half day of school.

-Kids having so much fun at recess in the snow….belly laughs.

-My new fettuccini recipe. Yum. Thank you, Janet.

-Catching up with Alex and Cathy.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris



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