For your consideration….

So, I have done this blog for a few years now. Almost always, my mind is wiped shortly after I write each blog. I think this is because I am just supposed to write the message as close as possible to how it is given. If I remembered other blogs, I may start to second guess. It keeps the arguing with my Guides down to a minimum.

So this may or may not be a true statement. I don’t remember ever getting a direct message from Jesus before. I think today is the first. Usually the messages come in through other Archangels, Angels, Guides etc… Guidance.

Today Jesus wants us to know a couple of things. First and foremost a reminder that He and our Guidance are always available 24/7. We have heard that many times before. But Jesus himself wants us to know, believe and trust that it is so. There is a sense of disappointment that we do not call on them more often.

Secondly, he uses this example. Think about names and how we use them. Typically, we move from the formal to less formal the more we get to know someone. The less formal we are, the more likely we are to communicate with them. As time goes on their name conjures up our feelings about them and what they mean to us.

We are reminded of that because Jesus would like us to get to know our Guides and call them by name. The closer we are to them, the more we will call on them.

Remember, I am just the scribe here. I can hear the thinking, “How do I do that?”

I am not saying it is easy although for some it will be. For me personally, it took a long time and I did not get all the names at once. But eventually, as I was diligent and kept asking, I got them at various times and ways.

We have a personal Guardian Angel, everyone does. Mine’s name is Lydia. I asked in meditation one day and simply got a response. Another day I was receiving a reading at a retreat and was given White Eagle who clears negativity away when I ask. And I was given Lily who “guards my joy door. It took me a long time to figure out the obvious. I needed this Angel and Guide because if I am to deliver HOPE, I need negativity kept at bay and my joy protected. We all have different Angels and Guides that stay with us as well as others who come in and help as needed.

We also have Archangels that work on our behalf. Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron are very often working in my life. Archangel Michael provides me the wisdom and protection I need. Archangel Metatron provides the direction….most often quite bluntly. It was he who insisted I can and must write this blog on a daily basis. It was he who assured me that I would get the assistance I needed which indeed I have. He also insists that I write a couple of books. I am struggling with that and am ready to implore he step in and dictate what he wants.

Jesus wants all of us to feel, know and be comfortable with our Guidance. He wants us to “call him and them by name” because he knows that will bring us closer to them. It will make us love them as they love us.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Get still and persistently as who your Guides are. When you hear a message, ask who is delivering it.

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?” Ask who is responding to you.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

What made me smile yesterday….

-It was Friday.

-Our little one first water activity. Yikes.

-I was quite distraught. I was sooo looking forward to coming to Stillwater. I am working everyday this month so it is making it more difficult. I had it arranged that I would leave as soon as our little one were settled on the bus. The bus was 40 minutes late. Even 10 minutes before rush hour begins makes a huge difference so you can know that those 40 minutes doubled my commute time. But before I got here, I was able to chill and not bring the negative energy into Stillwater. It is a rule I have about her.

-A coney dog and blizzard went a long way in turning the night around…I have to admit.

-Starting a good book before bed.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris

Archangel Raphael,

Please watch over our friend, Gary, and bless him with your healing energy.


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