For your consideration….

Certainly personal responsibility requires us to have some caution and not be careless with our thoughts, words and deeds. Now here is the “but”….isn’t there always a “but?”

We are asked today to focus on our “limit switch.” Sometimes we know we are right. We know that our thoughts, words and deeds need to be put into action. We know that if we speak our heart, it will have an impact. Yet, we hold back. Sometimes from fear of how we will be perceived. Sometimes it is we are rushed or lazy. Sometimes we rationalize that our feelings are already known, so no need to express them. Maybe we are shy or just find it hard to express our love, admiration, appreciation etc.

Today’s message tells us that when we use our “limit switch” we are in essence shutting the flow of our power and goodness. It is the equivalent of letting a faucet drip versus turning it on and letting it flow. We are reminded that when we limit the output flow we also limit the input flow.

We are encouraged to listen to our authentic self and say what yearns to be said. Do what begs to be done.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Take the limits off of your limit switch.

What made me smile yesterday….

-I thought the drive to school was going to be tough but it wasn’t at all.

-Cute pictures of our growing Glitter Twins.

-It is Michigan. Weather changes by the hour. I had my kindergarten out in the morning in the snow. They were out for lunch. We got all dressed in our winter gear and headed out in the afternoon and were greeted with rain? sleet? I’m not sure what it was. I asked them if they wanted to head back in for indoor recess. They said “NO!” It took them all of a minute and a half to figure out that the slide had ice on it. They all lined up. They quickly figured out that they came down so fast that they needed “stoppers” at the end. (smart little bippies) So they had a little group and when one would come down they would take a place in the “stop” group releasing that person to get in line for a turn down the slide. It was really an ingenious plan. I loved the plan and loved the laughter.

-It is Dr. Seuss time. We had so much fun making hats and Dr. Seuss “treats.”

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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