For your consideration…

Many of us wonder about where we are going. We wonder what exactly is our life purpose. We wonder what we should do next. We wonder if we are doing the right things. We search for answers.

Today’s message tells us that we are always getting help and direction. That should bring us peace and comfort. But there is more.

The more we seek is up to us. Our message tells us to be specific. General and vague questions bring general and vague answers. We need to be as specific as we can to get specific answers. Here are some examples.

_____always irritates me because_____.

 I am so angry about______because______.

I always put off or procrastinate doing______ because____.

Why am I always so excited when_______?

I love______because______.

I never get tired of_______because______.

If I could______, I would because______.

Do you see how we might ask the questions? We would then follow-up on the answers to these questions with more questions.

Working with Joe always irritates me because he wastes so much time.

Why does Joe’s wasting time bother me so much.

It bothers me because I could/rather be doing something else.

What would I rather be doing?

Once we got to the “what” we really want to be doing, we would continue.

I wanted to have time to kayak today.

Why was kayaking so important?

I feel immediate peace when I climb into my boat so close to the water. I wanted the stillness and alone time.

Do you see how these questions keep diving down to more specific questions. If we are irritated or angry, we need to deep dive into the why. If we are happy and joyous, we need to deep dive into the specifics of the why. As we do this with everything, the seemingly important and unimportant, we figure out what makes us tick. We find keys to our strengths and weaknesses and the whys. We begin to see the direction of  where we want and need to go. We see what we need more of in our life and what we need less of.

The more we know and understand ourselves, the more specific our questions will be. And….the more specific our request for help and guidance will be. Our Guidance is always ready to jump in and support us.

Ask your ego to step out. Get still, ask specific questions. Be honest with your deep dives. Hold no judgment. Listen to what you hear.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Take a deep dive into what makes you tick.

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

What made me smile yesterday…..

-Visiting with Lori, Jody and both my girls.

-So happy Alex got to spend some time with old friends.

-We are back at Stillwater. Ahhhh.

-I love, love, love the new wind chimes my neighbors gave me as a thank you for letting them use Stillwater while their house got a new foundation.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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