For your consideration……

Today’s message has been interesting to say the least. Let me put it this way. “dare to be different” is a much politer way of putting it so I was glad to find this picture with those words on it.

We are reminded that we all find ourselves in situations where we just don’t feel like it is right, fair or both. Everything is going according to plan so to speak but we are not comfortable with it. You know….those situations at work, home, in families, organizations etc. where we are doing things that don’t sit right in our “gut”. Our intuition tells us it is not right. Perhaps it seems cruel, impolite, silly, burdensome, inefficient, stupid etc.

We don’t feel like we can ask questions to figure it out because it is a done deal. Perhaps it is due to culture, tradition, procedures or perhaps it is because of who is running the show. And if we do ask, we are not really given an answer much beyond “its just the way its done.” Basically we are told or given the impression that “bucking the system” is not required nor is it wise. To do so we may be or are made to feel dumb, uncooperative or out of touch as though we didn’t get the proverbial “memo.”

Today we are told, “Nonsense. Stop it. Always trust your instincts. To go against them just so we don’t rock the boat is not acceptable because it”……are you ready for this?……exact words now……”just perpetuates the bull_ _ _ _.” Hmmmm do I sense some frustration in the Universe?

Certainly we don’t want to do that.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….ask….”What is my next steps for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Listen to you authentic self.

What made me smile yesterday……

-A half day at school for a great teacher with great ideas.

-Lunch with Judy.

-Ahhhh, Stillwater.

-Talking with my Sis.

-Catching up with Jackie.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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