For your consideration……

As we grow into adulthood, it is easy to forget that we are perpetual students.

 Today’s message tells us that as we meet new milestones, we indeed need to celebrate. However, just as important is that we are setting our sights on new ones. We need to be constant seekers beyond what we learn in our day-to-day activities.

Knowledge has no age limit. We can get it at any age. We just have to want it and appreciate its value.

Once learned and earned, knowledge and experience can never be taken from you. You have it for eternity. It is in the fabric of your Human Design. That is why power seekers try to limit it in others. It is why women in some cultures are not allowed to go to school. Women shelters experience a rise in domestic violence around college graduation time. Why? Because that degree solidifies the ways and means to “support” oneself. It is a vehicle to independence should a woman choose to do so. It can never be taken away. It is something that always hangs over an abuser’s head. Knowledge is power.

Today we are reminded that we all are students. We should never be embarrassed or afraid to seek new knowledge and experiences. Welcome them as they present themselves. Even better seek them out. It is what “bucket lists” are all about.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water..

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths throughout the day.

-Start a bucket list. Journal what you learned today. Be grateful.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-My early morning meeting with Pat, who has become my writing coach for my book. You should know that I was given the assignment to write this book years ago. I know the purpose, I was given the title and the color of the cover but I have not been able to see the format. Yesterday it came flooding out. It was unbelievable what we accomplished in under an hour. We were both left awestruck. Afterward I cried for joy. I know that it has to be a labor of love but frankly, it felt like a burden. Finally, I am excited and grateful for the opportunity write it.  Wahoo.

-Mammogram done. Wahoo.

-Lunch with Pam and a new partnership formed. Wahoo.

-Talked with Jody. She’ll be here soon. Wahoo.

-Did I mention I talked with Jule and our girls night out when Jody is here is all set. Wahoo.

-Talked with Alex. Dad and I are both awestruck at what she gets accomplished. Wahoo.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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