For your consideration……

We have all been there…..between a rock and a hard place. We are not happy with our choices. It is pretty hard to see the bright side of things.

Ahhhh but there is a bright side. We have a choice. We may not like what it is, but we have one. That means that whether we realize it or not we are in control of our lives. We have not given up our power and control. That is a big deal.

It is easy to throw up our hands and hand off our power. Any one can do that and sometimes that seems like the easiest choice but to say there are long-term consequences to that is a gross understatement. We always need to hold on to our own power and control.

So when we find ourselves between a rock and a hard place we just need to remember that it is just a moment in time. That we have a choice….a voice….is a good thing.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray…..ask….”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Celebrate you, your choices and your right to have them.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-AJ to Mackenzie, “Did you eat the last banana?” With a look that immediately made him want to eat his words, Mac replies, “No! But so what if I did?” AJ really wants out of this conversation he started and does not answer. Mac continues, “You would have eaten the last one.” AJ sees an opportunity seizing the HOPE to redeem himself, “Not without asking you first.” Mac, “Or really? No you wouldn’t have.” You know me, Miss HOPE, feeling like I need to help say, “Well someone has to eat the last banana.” To which Mac replies still glaring at AJ, who is still wishing this conversation would never have happened, “EXACTLY!”

-Finally catching up with Pam and setting a lunch date.

-Rain for my poor lawn. Every little bit helps.

-Watching the kids play in the sprinklers. Yeah, kids still do that.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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