For your consideration……

Today we are promised that we are never too old or young to birth new ideas or make a difference. We have everything we need in our life tool box that we were born with and die with. It is simply a matter of free will. Do we want to use it and move the Universe forward or not?

There is a second part of the message. It emphasizes that there is always something we can do. To start we have been given this simple task. Each day we are asked to send blessings to whoever crosses our path. Whether we know them or not, we are asked to bless them as they leave us. Perhaps the blessing is specific to something we know they need or sometimes it is general and we ask that the Universe to give them exactly what they need and what the Universe needs for them to have. Sometimes we bless them out loud. Sometimes it is silently. The choice is ours. The task is not meant to be a burden. It is meant to stimulate our heart and bring us and the Universe more love and joy.

The purpose of the picture of the rainbow rose today is that some of us work better with a visual.. The rose has been around for millions of years and often different colors symbolize different things. The rainbow rose incorporates them all. Of course, if your blessing is very specific and you want to bless them with a different color rose, that is perfect. If you have a different visual like a stuffed bear etc., that is perfect as well. Perhaps you need no visual at all, your blessings and love stand on their own. That is also exactly perfect.

Probably most of you are like me. I already randomly do this. I see or hear an ambulance and I send blessings. I know someone is in need and I send blessings. I bless Stillwater each time I leave. The difference is the “randomly.” It simply never occurred to me to be consistent and bless each and every person. How much better will the world be if we start proliferating it with our blessings?

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate/pray…..ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water. Seek clarity.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Bless everyone who crosses your path.


What made me smile yesterday…….

-Pictures from Alex.

-Talking with Shannon. All is well.

-Reading on the deck basking in Mother Nature.

-A great nights sleep.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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