For your consideration……..

It is not even 7:00 AM and my morning has been so amazing I am fighting joyful tears.

First, as soon as I set down and started to meditate, I heard applause and joy and even a few jigs. Many of you know that I was a reluctant blogger. Lovingly coerced by Archangel Metatron is not too strong a statement. So having him absolutely joyful and joining the festivities this morning makes my heart sing. You see today is the birthday of HOPEs Rising. Three years ago today was the very first blog. I don’t remember this celebrating on birthdays one and two so don’t understand the extra joy today. But what I do know is that it made me feel absolutely incredible. Indeed today’s message is about praise and encouragement.

When I went searching for an appropriate picture, I was a bit stymied. Should it be birthday or praise? Then I came across this one or should I say it found me? Ladybugs are very special to me. They are what my father sends to me to let me know he is with me and still a part of our lives. It was my father’s death that took the spiritual journey I was on to a whole different level. It opened up my world. So when this picture came to me, I know that my dad celebrates with me today as well.

HOPEs Rising is used as an example today. It is used to show us what a little bit of praise and encouragement can do. I have acknowledged many times before that I am a poor to mediocre writer at best. I was scared to start this blog. I didn’t know how. Archangel Metatron assured me that any help I needed would be given and I would never be left hanging for a message. They would be given to me. I was asked to take this leap of faith and listen to what I was being told. And I was assured that my writing would be good enough. It was the praise and encouragement that gave me courage to begin.

We never know what our praise….our encouragement….can accomplish. We are told today that a little bit goes a long way. They are big pebbles in the pond. They have far-reaching effects. Be generous with them.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….Feel the encouragement.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Be encouraging. Accept encouragement.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-A fun morning at school.

-An afternoon off.

-Dinner out with the birthday boy and friends. Fun.

-Hot temperatures….with lots of sun. Yeah.

-Talking to my Alex.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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