For your consideration………

If we have not had this message before, we should have. And if we have it is worth repeating. “You’re already better than you think you are!”

You are a very powerful and capable human being. You were sent and empowered by God himself.

Not only do many of us not see our selves as powerful, we often see ourselves as powerless. We are told today that nothing could be further from the truth. We are powerful and fully capable of great works. But before we can do them, we have to access our power. We have to access our core….our authentic self. We have to see our own truth and feel the love, joy, peace, knowing and strength that empowers us. Then we have to believe it. We have to shut our ego down and go forth armed with the power gifted to us.

We are in a partnership with our Guidance. Our life is not one-sided or one directional. We are full partners meant to interact continuously…..non stop. We  are gifted but all too frequently we do not use our gifts. Consider these scenarios:

-What would you think about a person with a fragile back shoveling snow when they had been gifted with a snow blower?

-What would you think about a person that has no vehicle and someone offers them a free green one but you don’t want it because it is not red?

-What would you think about someone who has always dreamed of going somewhere and are gifted with a plane ticket. They don’t go because you want to take a bus……or visa-versa?

-What do you think about people who won’t  smile at someone unless they are smiled at first?

-What do you think about people who are always saying they want to try something and are then offered the opportunity and don;t take it probably because they are afraid they won’t be good at it?

Outrageous, right? Granted some of these are extremes to prove a point. But often many of us miss out on so much of life because we have self-doubt and don’t feel our power and control. You have probably heard it said that we only use a small part of our brain.  Well guess what? We also only use a small part of our power and capabilities.

We are already way better than we think we are. We are asked today to feel that power. If we don’t feel it yet, we are to act like we do anyway. Keep practicing listening to your authentic self and Guidance. Practice makes possible.

Shine today, Lightworkers. Use your power to lighten the load of not only your own life but the life of others. Live to your potential.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate/pray….this is the path to hearing your Guidance.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Be powerful.

What made me smile yesterday……

-The technology available to students…..and parents who want to help their student.

-More snow. The yard is beautiful…..sidewalk and driveway….ummmm not so much.

-Hey, my sister is a rock star. Congratulations on you new promotion, Sis.

-I still laugh at this picture sent by my daughter, Alex. She says even the deer like Christmas tack. I say even the deer like beautiful Christmas cheer. She also says she drove around the block 3 times and the deer were still there admiring.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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