For your consideration…….

We were chosen to live this life. It is our God’s and all of his Guidance’s privilege to help us do the very best we can. We are privileged.

The question is, “Is that how we feel?” “Is that how we act?” Probably not but we should.

Let’s try it. It is my privilege to wake up this morning. It is my privilege to write this blog for you this morning. It is a privilege to be with my Sis and Rod this morning. It is a privilege to have free will to be able to choose how I want to live my day. It will be my privilege to meet many new people today and share new experiences. It is my privilege to be able to sit with a good book today. Is will be a privilege to be in the sunshine and have fun.

I am privileged. God says so. I am going to seize this day with that in mind. I am choosing to live a privileged life and I HOPE you will choose to as well. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can do……

-Meditate/pray……go within and review how you feel about yourself. Do you feel your perfection? Do you feel privileged?

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Go have fun. You are privileged. Act like it.

What made me smile yesterday……

-Errands and successful shopping with my Sis.

-Sitting outdoors at Burr’s enjoying the company.

-Lori and Rod treated us to my birthday dinner at Black Point. Delicious and fun. You can’t  beat that.

-A great chat with Alex and a very funny text from Shannon.

-An early bedtime.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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