“Lapping Waves” by Don Hatfield

For your consideration….

Today’s message is so gentle. It talks to as about living and enjoying our life journey.

For me the example just could not be more perfect. I used to live on a canal and have a nice size boat that we vacationed on. I am a water person. So for me the sound of gently lapping waves is music to my ears. Being gently rocked while on a boat is soothing. On the flip side, rough water is the opposite, very unsettling. And people driving their boat too fast creating wake that slams into other boats is rude.

I am sure all of us have walked on the shore or sat beside the water’s edge and watched the waves lap in. They swirl around, enfold and then ebb away……the same but different. And what they leave behind is also the same but different. Something has been added. Something has been taken away.

Sometimes we have a tendency to “charge” through life….full speed ahead….leaving a wake that crashes into everything along its path. It does not have the time to enfold and meld with its environment. It misses the opportunity to blend and become all it can be because it rushes right back out. There are certainly times in life where this is called for….things need to be shaken up.

But in general, life is meant to have a flow. It is meant to meander, explore, swirl around a bit and become all it can be.

It’s Monday. Don’t charge into the week, flow into it. That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate/pray….start or end your day in your inner peace.

-Get out doors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Drink lots of water.

-Be gentle with yourself. Acknowledge your greatness. Feel the good things you leave behind in everything you do.

What made me smile yesterday…..

-An easy day going with the flow.

-Bruce created a song for Shannon’s spa weekend. What a hoot! It was a work in progress throughout the weekend.

-Go Raven’s.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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