For your consideration……

I feel like we have had this message before. Certainly we have had variations of it. The message today asks us to be aware of the energy environment we are operating in.

Here each day we mention the importance of meditation, breathing and drinking clarifying water. Those three things help us to be centered and help us to keep our energy clear so it can operate for our highest good. When we are operating at our highest good, we are in fact delivering that to the Universe to be shared for its highest good and the highest good of all.

But not everyone is quite there yet and none of us is there all of the time. Everyday we walk into many many different environments. Each of them vastly different because they carry the energies of the people and things in it.

Think about it. How many times have you walked into work and could just tell what kind of weekend someone had. You know when something is bothering someone. You know when people are down, mad, sad, ecstatic, eager etc. We know because we can feel that energy. In every moment we are operating in an energy environment that may or may not match our own.

And that is the point of today’s message. HOPEfully we are working hard to maintain our energy system so we can bring our full authentic self to each moment. We can feel other’s energy. That energy can either add to or subtract from our own. Of course, we want to take advantage of energy that is up-beat, loving, supportive, enthusiastic etc. That is a win-win for everyone.

But just as important, we must block negative energy in our environment. We must not let the negative energy of the environment into our “core authentic self”. That sounds cold. But it  is not. This is exactly when being our best most centered self can do the most good. It is exactly when it is most needed. Of course, we are sympathetic, compassionate, good listeners etc. We can see, recognize and even understand where the negative energy is coming from. But we can not take it on as our own. It is not only unhealthy, it is counter productive to our life purpose. We can, however, pause for a moment and send healing blessings to the person(s) or things that are carrying the negative energy. We can plant seeds of HOPE for them.

Today we are simply being reminded to be consciously aware of the “environment(s)” we are in and act accordingly.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray…spend at least 5 minutes a day alone with yourself. If you can not meditate in silence, download a guided meditation or peaceful music.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Notice the energy you are in and act accordingly.

What made me smile yesterday……

-Peanut’s swim meet. She was a backstroke machine.

-Visiting with people I enjoy.

-Lunch with family and friends.

-Catching up with my Sis, Lori.

-A good book.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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