For your consideration……..

I really love today’s message. First, there is an acknowledgement of the huge “awakening” that is taking place. Millions of people are no longer dodging, deferring or ignoring the spiritual part of life. And those people who have always had a spiritual path are deepening it. That is all good news. We will all benefit.

There is a second part of this message. We are being told that there are as many ways to finding spirituality as there are “breaths”. Examples are everywhere and in everything. Each of us has a unique path that is exactly right and perfect for us.

There are many, many definitions of spirituality which emphasizes today’s message and the many paths to it. One example I like that covers a lot of it is this one;

Nursing – spirituality: A broad, inclusive definition is: spirituality is that which gives meaning to one’s life and draws one to transcend oneself. Spirituality is a broader concept than religion, although that is one expression of spirituality. Other expressions include prayer, meditation, interactions with others or nature, and relationship with God or a higher power.” ( Burkhardt, M. “Spirituality: An Analysis of The Concept,” Holistic Nursing Practice, May 1989:60-77).

Our spirituality is part of our journey to our life purpose and life itself. We choose the method. We choose what is applicable. We choose how we pull it in. We choose the pace.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate/pray. Centering ourselves each day helps us recognize our next steps, what is working and what isn’t.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Why not make it a practice to take 5 on the way in from the car and 5 on the way back to the car. Or maybe just step out onto your porch each morning or evening.

-Journal you best experience, awakening, moment etc. today.

What made me smile yesterday……


-A nap.

-Young love.

-I have to admit, Duck Dynesty. I am sure it is wrong on so many levels but I laughed out loud last night….and I was all alone.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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