For your consideration…..

Many of us today may think this saying came from the Erma Bombeck book. But it was a 1931 song by Lew Brown and Ray Henderson sung by Ethel Merman in “Scandals”. Here it is…

Life is just a bowl of cherries;
Don’t make it serious;
Life’s too mysterious.
You work, you save, you worry so,
But you can’t take your dough when you go, go, go.
So keep repeating it’s the berries;
The strongest oak must fall.
The sweet things in life
To you were just loaned,
So how can you lose what you’ve never owned?
Life is just a bowl of cherries,
So live and laugh at it all.

It is Sunday. Our message today is let loose and play….. live, love, Enjoy yourself, your life, your family and friends.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate….tap into that peaceful authentic self.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and play. Take in at least 10 deep breaths while you are at it.

-Journal what makes you happy and grateful today.


What made me smile yesterday……

-Stillwater, my cottage, is so good for me.

-I listened to music all day.

-I danced with wild abandon all by myself.

-I was a working fool.  Bio-check. Postcard script-check. Blog-check. Book editing-lots accomplished. Wahoo.

-And I finally got to catch up with Jackie. Ahhh a nice way to end the day.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris





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