
River Goddess of HOPE

by Francisco Santos

For your consideration…..

Of course, I love today’s message. It is about HOPE.

Today we are reminded that we are all given HOPE in our life tool box. And from that HOPE springs forth our HOPEs and dreams that are the root of intention and manifestation. It is from HOPE that our ideas are birthed and miracles occur.

Love keeps the flame of HOPE alive……love of God, love of self, love of Mother Earth, love of others and love of life.

We are reminded that in the tough times, stoke those flames of HOPE that may have been reduced to embers in our disappointment.

And finally we are reminded that, there are no greater gifts we can give than the gifts of love and HOPE. Be generous sharing yours. And be ever diligent in protecting them from those who would steal them through language or action.

It isn’t the blatant words and actions we have to worry about as much as the subtle ones. Perk your energy up when you hear words spoken or implied such as; victim vs survivor, dependent vs independent, hand out vs hand up, you need vs you can etc. It is often through the subtleties of language that HOPE is stolen through the inference that we are lacking in some way.

We are not lacking. We have everything we need in our life tool kit that we need to live our life purpose to the fullest and receive miracles untold.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate. Remember your perfection. Pull it forward and up front.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Whenever you feel a negative emotion or energy return to deep breathing. It is your reset button.

-Offer your best self to others. Offer HOPE. Be HOPE. Live in HOPE.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-A beautiful day in sunny California with free-flowing traffic.

-While I am not ready to call Alaska Air a very friendly airline, we had a great flight up to Washington.

-Seeing our Alex. Her place is absolutely adorable and perfect for her.

-Anticipation of seeing Whidbey Island in the daytime.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris



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