“Dance of Dreams”

Josephine Wall

“So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible,

Then they seem improbable,

and then when we summon the will,

they soon become inevitable.”

Christopher Reeve


For your consideration…..

How fun is today’s message?

As children we were never in short supply of dreams. Our imagination ran wild. We made up dreams. We acted them out. We grew.

Yeah, we grew. And all too soon we do not have time to dream. Creating dreams falls down to the bottom of our “to do” list.

Today we are reminded that dreams are the first step towards manifestation. Sit down. Close your eyes. What does your perfect life look like? Write it down. Is there any part of it….even a little step you could take towards it? Keep that dream close by. Replay it over and over in your mind’s eye. Act the part.

Dreaming is an important tool in our life tool box. Take the time to create dreams including what you feel like in them. And once again you will begin to feel the shift towards growth.

Dreaming is a good thing. It is not an idol waste of time. It is a valuable productive tool. Use it often.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….get to your core authentic self and feel your peace.

-At the end of your meditation let yourself go and dream.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Feel the breath of Mother Earth. Hear the sounds of Mother Earth.

-Journal your dreams both in the sleep and wake state.


What made me smile yesterday……

-A beautiful church service where we celebrated Yvette and Todd’s marriage.

-Catching up with Jackie.

-A champagne evening celebration with Yvette and Todd and their family and friends.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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