Let My Spirit Soar

by Bev Doolittle

For your consideration……

It usually takes me quite awhile to find a picture that most matches the message we are given. But not today. The very first one I found was perfect.

Sitting quietly cradled in Mother Earth’s abundance we can almost hear this woman thinking. We feel her patience and peace as she waits for her message….as she waits for direction in her life journey.

The message today is still about trying to quell the angst so many are feeling. We are being told that we are being pushed. We are used to being guided more gently. But our Guidance is very anxious that we get on “our” path.

We are being told to ask two questions whenever we are feeling off kilter or anxious. “Is this me?” and “Is this MY life journey.” Bottom line we should be working our life journey. We should be honing our gifts and sharing them.

It means we should NOT be involved in everyone else’s issues and drama. We do not have time for drama. We are not the community dumping ground. We can be a good listener. But we are not everyone’s problem solver. I know that sounds harsh. But think of it this way. If it is not your problem, we rob the real owner of the opportunity to learn a lesson they need.

And as long as we are focused outside and on other people, we are not focused on our inside….our own soul that holds our life journey. We must go within ourselves.

The world is going through an enormous change. We all need to step up our game. We need to work our life purpose to the best of our ability. While you may not know completely what it is, you do know when you are not working it. You feel like you are swimming upstream. You feel unsettled. You feel like you are swimming against the current. You are anxious.

Stop. Go within. Find yourself. Listen. Let your spirit soar.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate. Spend some alone time with you. Ask the tough questions. Hear the gentle guidance.

-Sit in Mother Nature. Feel the stillness. Feel the life. Feel the nurturing.

-Drink lots of water.

-Take in at least 10 deep breaths while outdoors.

-Every time you feel anxious, write it down. You don’t have to have all of the answers right now. Eventually you will see a pattern emerge. Is this your problem? If not, let it go. Is this part of your life purpose. If not, let it go. Release them with blessings and ask that they be healed for the highest good. If it is your problem, sit in stillness and ask for your next step.


What made me smile yesterday……

-Rain, rain, and more rain. Oh how we have missed you.


-Joyous Alex.

-USA’s women’s water polo team won gold. Is that our own little Betsy Armstrong? She has made Great Lakes Water Polo, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and the USA proud.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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