Enter Creative Spirit


Caroline F. Butson

For your consideration…..

I can hear so many of you saying, as I have so often have, “I just am not creative.” or “I don’t have a creative bone in my body.” Yeah, I hear you but it is not so. You see we have this mental model that creativity is art. And while that is true, it is so much more than that. All ideas are creative.

We were all born with creativity in our life tool box. It is what moves us forward. It is the spark that gets us out of the rut or routine. It is what makes us grow. Whether we have put those creative hats on for problem solving or fun, makes no difference. Tapping into our creative self brings about possibilities, resolutions and HOPE.

Today we are being asked to think about and remember that we are creative beings, all of us. For every problem, there is already a solution. We simply need to pause and let our Guidance and Creative Self offer them up and fan those creative flames. Remember there are no dumb ideas….so no judgement.

Now here is the big key. We need to act on our ideas. How often have you said, “That was my idea. Or I thought of that.” But you didn’t act and now someone else who did is reaping the rewards.

There is a second part to the message today. We are being asked to expand our vision. So how DO you think the world is going? Are you just loving it all? Is this the best we can do? Of course the answer is no, we can do better. We are each being called to stand up and offer up our creative solutions as opportunities present themselves. Change springs forth from the creative minds and spirits of individuals….individuals who are willing to pause, listen, trust, offer up and act on those creative ideas they allow to bubble up. That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate/pray….let those ideas float up.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Drink lots of water.

-Journal ideas. No, you won’t act on all of them. But it will reinforce to you how creative you really are.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-Teaching in a new school with great students.

-Lunch with Camille. Fun, fun, fun catching up.

-Alex has finally received her furniture. Ahhh, after 6 weeks she can sleep in her own bed, have a couch to sit on, cook meals etc. Take some deep breaths, Babycakes.

-Cathy and I finally connected and we have our creative thinking caps on.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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