For your consideration……

Did you ever stop to think why people use the endearment “Honey”? Perhaps not, but intuitively we know that when we hear it from someone we care about it is good. When we hear it from someone not close to us, it may feel awkward, condescending or even put us on alert. No matter the motive, we know that the term “Honey” is used because it is meant to attract.

That is what we are reminded today. Honey attracts. In this case, the “honey”, is our best self. When we suspend judgement and just allow our best self to be up front and present, we become at once an offering and an attraction.

Who can resist the sweetness and goodness of our loving authentic self? Indeed all that we attract in turn feeds our soul. It is a natural part of the cycle of life. It is the best part of the cycle of life.

Does this mean that we don’t see the shenanigans of others who are not on the same page and not bringing their best self? No. It means we do not judge them but neither do we let their action past our filters  to affect our inner core. We simply wish them well and healing and release them.

On the flip side we can embrace all of the wonderful goodness we encounter. When our authentic self meets someone else’s authentic self we both grow exponentially. It is miraculous.

So today we are to told to pretend our authentic self is the honey pot. We are to present it in all we do and notice how our life is enriched and grows. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate….listen to your Guidance.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Spend as much time outdoors as you can. Let Mother Earth renew and recharge you.

-Drink lots of water.


-Tell someone you “love” them


What made me smile yesterday……

-Relaxing in the sun talking to Jackson. Jackson has been our neighbor this week and he turned 11 yesterday. Mother Earth is amazing through the eyes of an 11-year-old.

-I thought I saw someone in the water that might need assistance. Turned out that the head I kept seeing bob up was that of a giant sea turtle.

-Porpoise play.

-A new adventure with Kelly and Cathy.

-Date night with Bruce at the Florabama.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,





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