Rainbow Girl


Josephine Wall

For your consideration…….

The message is simple. As the physical body need nourishment so does the spirit body. And just as in the physical body, the quality of the nourishment matters.

Our soul, our spirit, our authentic self needs healthy nourishment. How do we do that? We do it with love…..of self, others, pets, home, nature, family etc. Anything that is not from love, adds weight and burden to our spirit.

How do we stay on a healthy spirit diet? Of course, meditation and prayer first and foremost because they keep us open to our Guidance. Most of us know how we feel. We may not always have the answers to why but we know how we feel.

So if we are not feeling loving or loved, if we are feeling down or depressed, or uptight and anxious, or if we are feeling angry…..that is not the nourishment our spirit needs. We need to change that up.

We can do that by finding something to laugh at. Laughter is music to our spirit. We can put on some upbeat music to lift our spirit. Or maybe we need soothing music to gentle our spirit. We can get out into nature and let nature nurture us. We can change things up with smell. Light a candle. We can eat comfort foods. We can wear or surround ourselves with our favorite colors. We can write….better yet…. we can write affirmations to change things around. We can do EFT (tapping). We can sit and chill with a cup of tea or glass of wine. Read something uplifting or spiritual. We can get with or talk to people we love. We can take deep breaths.

You get the picture. When we “notice” that we are not in a good place, we are not nourishing our spirit with good nutrition. So we need to change it up. And we have the power to do that. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate……get in touch with your spirit self.

-Drink lots of water. Water cleanses the physical and spiritual self. It helps us with clarity.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Breathing not only sustains the physical self, it calms the spiritual self.

-Notice your feelings and if need be put an action plan in place to change them.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-Yeah, the first day of Spring.

-I realized that I had not had to wear any sort of coat for a week and a half.

-Another absolutely perfect day.

-Alex and Shannon having a great day.

-Haircut done and check.

-Kathy stopped by and we not only a good visit but good belly laughs.

-Yvonne stopped by. We can catch up and make plans in record time.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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