For your consideration……

Ahhh, today’s message is a promise. It came in as a clock face on the face of a mountain. I couldn’t find a picture like that so we will have to pretend the sun in this one is the clock face.

Today we are promised that new opportunities and lessons are coming our way. Our spiritual awareness is growing and we are changing our perspective. Things will be becoming much clearer to us. How we look at life and the world is changing. Our role will become clearer.

This is a promise. We need not do anything except keep walking down our road with an open mind and heart. As we need to know things, they will be revealed to us. It is all in Divine Timing.

Isn’t that a beautiful and HOPEful promise. I love it and I HOPE you do to.

Happy St. Patrick’s day, everyone. Blessings, stay safe.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate. Keep your channel open to your Guidance and its HOPE and Guidance.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and walk, run , play, sit, lay, smell, breathe…………………..

-Journal…..write down your thoughts.



What made me smile yesterday……

-It was the first day of the Seniors very last trimester. Next step is graduation. I had so much fun teaching. It was an absolute honor to share the day with them.

-Bruce and I…..well really I…..made a major mistake. We ordered Chinese takeout. I should have had a clue. Instead of the standard 10 minutes, they said 15. Standard for us is, I drive and go as I am and Bruce runs in. Last night, I had no shoes on. And, of course, Bruce runs in and they say they do not have the order. We did not call it in. He doesn’t know what to do so he comes and gets me. I have to stand outside in the doorway talk into them to try to figure it out. Ultimately, it dawns on me. I called a different restaurant. So across town we go, laughing all the way. We should have had a clue at the 15 minute response.

-Alex gets to spend St. Patrick’s day in New Orleans with Patrick. Fun.

-The amount of damage in Dexter is staggering. But the awesome fact that no one had a serious injury is an affirmation of the awesomeness of our Creator. We are grateful and thankful.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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