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For your consideration…..

We are being asked to shake ourselves up in order to free ourselves. Lighten up. Change things up a bit. Get out of the routine.

Why? We tend to tie ourselves up in “normalcy”. It is comfortable. But it is like anything else, even too much of a good thing is stifling.

These changes do not have to big i.e.;

-Take a new route to or from work.

-Drive slower. Enjoy the ride. Notice things.

-Try a new recipe.

-Try a new restaurant.

-Change your hairdo.

-Wear a new color.

-Go to lunch with someone different.

-Watch different TV shows.

-Go to bed at a different time.

-Take a new class.

-Clean a closet or a room.

-Try a new hobby.

-Take a walk.

-Try new exercises or do them at a different time….or different day.

By changing things up, we open ourselves up to receiving new experiences and people into our lives. Changing things up is a signal to the Universe that we are ready to grow. We are ready and waiting  for our next step. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate….focus on a place and time you love.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Does the day have a different smell to it? Does it smell like winter or spring to you?

-Journal what you would like to change. Meditate on that. Feel the start of that change. Feel the possibilities. Feel the power of you.


What made me smile yesterday……

-A high school economic class. Juniors and Seniors full of fun and HOPE.

-We had lots of rain, even a magnificent thunderstorm. But yeah, we have our new roof on so no problem.

-Every time I had to walk the rain stopped. And then started up after I was inside.

-The birds are singing. It smells and sounds like spring.

-A great class.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,







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