For your consideration……

Today we are being reminded to “center” ourselves. Finding our balance is one thing. Centering is taking it to a whole new level. Why is this important?

In this shift that we have started Mother Earth herself is centering. The more people who center themselves, the easier the shift for her, each other and ourselves. The more people who center themselves the higher the plane we begin from as we start anew.

How? Centering raises our level of consciousness. The more people raising their consciousness the greater the understanding and good that will develop. The way we communicate and cooperate with each other is/will expand. And we will all reap the rewards.

I hear lots of stories and lots of fear over 2012. We can choose to be fearful. We have a choice. we always have a choice. We can choose to do nothing.

But these are exciting times we are living. Each of us has an opportunity to do great things. We are being asked to center ourselves, step up into our power and take global consciousness to a whole new level. That to is a choice. It is the choice I am making and I HOPE you will too.

Centering is a process. It is not hard but it takes commitment. Yes, it is committing to meditation and/or prayer. It requires commitment to that stillness each and every day. Because when we do that, we open up a channel for our Guidance to communicate with us. Then it is about trusting and doing what we hear in that stillness. That is how we center ourselves.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate…..pray… is the way. It just is.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Journal your guidance after you meditate.

-Experience nature. Notice how it is centered with Mother Earth. Notice its peace. Notice how it just is.


What made me smiles yesterday…..

-First, today is my Peanut’s 10th birthday. Happy Birthday, Peanut. I love you.

-High School Science. Remember, having to memorize all those lab steps?

-Giggles with Alex. All night long I giggled every time I thought about her giggling.

-An early bedtime and a big snooze.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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