For your consideration……

In the age of truth, “can’t” and “couldn’t” are not longer words that apply to us. As energy beings and in control of our personal power, there is always something we can do.

Once again, we are minded today that there are no coincidences. If we hear, see or feel it, we own it. Anything that kicks up an emotion in us, we own and appropriate action is necessary.

How do we do this? Sometimes it is obvious. Do a good deed when given the opportunity. Take the “high road”. Don’t get sucked into drama. But what about when we hear all that stuff on TV, hear about a tragedy through a friend of a friend or read something that invokes a feeling? Too often our natural action has been to ignore it because we feel there is nothing we can do…someone else we take care of it. Sure we are told, “it just takes one.” But we don’t think that “one” can be us. But it is us. We are the game changer.

Maybe we do not have the time or money to start a campaign for the change we see is needed. But we do have the energy. We do own our energy. And that is where everything starts. If you hear about a tragedy that touches your heart, send light and love from your heart. If you think government is a mess, send light and love. Ask the Universe to deliver the highest good to the situation that has just upset you. If you feel someone’s sadness, send your love and light to their darkness. It doesn’t matter if you know them or not. And visa versa, if you see joy, love and happiness, add yours to it, soak it up and pass it on.

You get the picture. Each of us can effect change because we are energy. There are no excuses only truth. Own your power and use it for the positive change you know must happen. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate. Focus in on your chakras. Feel the power of each. Finally, feel them come together to work in perfect harmony.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. It is snowy and blustery here. Mine may be from my porch or to and from my car.

-Remember, if you feel it, send positive energy….light and love to it. Love trumps everything. There is no darkness in its light.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-Lunch and shopping with Carol.

-Soups done for today.

-A great phone call from Alex. She is joyous and we are happy when she is happy.

-My new “little” video camera arrived. HOPEfully this is one I can manage.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,



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