For your consideration…

Wow, if I had a quarter for every time I said or wrote “make another choice.” Or even here where very often we are reminded that “We have a choice. We always a choice.”  Those quarters would buy my some nice vacations.

Today’s message came in via children and the many many times I redirect by asking them to make a better choice because their behavior is not what is best for them or others. But that same thing applies to adults.

Sometimes our choice is not good for us or others. True we could have  a boss, good friend, or partner that love us enough to tell us we need to make a better choice but most often we do not. It is up to us to recognize that our choice is not working. Whether it is consciously or unconsciously we need to pause and notice when our life is going off track. We need to ask ourselves why. When did it start to unravel or not harmoniously sync with our daily life? What was the choice I made and how can I correct it?

The good news is we have the power to do this. We can correct  with a better choice or we can implement counter actions.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Remember…You are the keeper of the light. Wherever you go, there can be no darkness.

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 breaths.

-Use your power to make good choices.


What made me smile yesterday…

-A beautiful day.

-Alex, Jackie, and I had a great lunch at Sinbad’s.

-Shannon and Mac stopped by on there way home from the airport to pick up Louie. Mac had a great training in Washington DC for her new job. She is so excited.

-I have a long day and night and am grateful that Louie will not have to be alone.

-I am also grateful because I got to see Mac before her big move to Chicago on Saturday.

-A new book.


Love, Blessings, and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris



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