For  your consideration…..

Today we have been given a hard message that I am going to attempt to make simple.

We know we are in a time of transformation. We have been told that nothing but the truth is acceptable from here on in. So each of us is to attempt to find and know our truth.

Each of us is very different. We receive and process life differently depending on our Human Design (which is a very complex subject). How we filter information and emotions is very different from one another. We each determine our truth differently. And that is what the focus of this message is about….our filters.

I think that the best way to explain is through an example. My truth indicator is in my stomach. My gut reaction is always correct. It is when I ignore it that I get into trouble. Now do I always know instantly what the truth is? No. Sometimes my gut is just the start. It tells me something is wrong and needs attention and I have to dig deeper.

That brings me to another example. I worked with a gentleman I had known for a long time but never as an equal colleague. Once we became partners, I felt that he was always trying to undermine me. I felt he was always looking over my shoulder. Or maybe he just didn’t think I could do the job. I wasn’t sure what it was but my gut told me the work relationship was off. I went to talk about it with friend who was also a psychic.  My gut was right. But my conclusions were wrong. My filters and my colleague’s were very different. We looked at the same thing through different filters but ultimately we both wanted the same thing. There was no underlying maliciousness. I simply had to take a step back and accept we looked at the same thing differently.  And that added great value to the working relationship and to our work results. That work colleague became a friend whose friendship I still have today.

I share this because it was a valuable lesson. Through mediation, prayer or simply self-reflection, we know where we feel our truth. We know where we ultimately make our decisions from. Today we are being reminded that we have filters. Our filters are most likely very different from those we are interacting with. That is OK. We just need to remember that and perhaps pause and give benefit of the doubt before we react to swiftly.

Think about your own family and how you interact. You know that pushing your bother’s buttons is very different from pushing your sister’s. The powers of persuasion you use is different depending on which child you are dealing with. How you show your spouse, children, friends or family members your love, appreciation or disappointment is different because you have come to know their filters into their truth. You know how to effectively and honestly connect.

In this time of positive transformation we are just being asked to pause and  honor each other. We are all on different paths to the same place. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate. Remember not to judge yourself. Your best is all that is required. Some days will be better than others.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Ours here in the north will be chilly indeed. Winter has arrived.

-Try to become consciously aware of how you make your decisions….how you communicate. Perhaps you are like me and you know and speak in the moment. Or maybe you are like my daughter and you need to step back out of the situation to identify your truth before you respond.  There is no right or wrong. But it useful to be aware for more effective communication which is what we all need.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-A great coaching session with my partner, Gena. I always feel excited and rejuvenated after I talk with her.

-A great afternoon with AJ and Peanut. Everyone was happy.

-Alex is getting ready for a big weekend. Have fun, Babycakes.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,



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