The Language of Truth


Philip Straub

For your consideration…..

We are almost through the Christmas season so it is not surprising that we were given a Christmas analogy today.

I don’t know about you but one of the big stressors of Christmas is when I have no clue as to what to buy someone. Conversely, if I know exactly what someone wants, if I have a great idea that I am sure they will love, it is fun and exciting to buy for them. It is easy to stay in the spirit of the season buying for them.

And no matter what we say about ourselves i.e., “I don’t need anything, I always love what you buy me, surprise me, I don’t need anything, I don’t want you to spend your money on me….etc., is that the truth? Maybe yes or maybe no. Yes, most of us like surprises. But if someone is asking, don’t we know that they are asking us to make their life a little easier?

This example is purposely meant to be simple. It is not about anything major. It is just about a normal occurance we all have during a season that comes around every year.

We are being asked today to consider how much easier life would be if we all just told the truth….just laid it out there….in normal conversation in any given situation with any given person(s). Just say what you want, need or feel……without judgment, whining or demands. Just like Christmas, just say your truth. Just say what would make you happy and/or your life go more smoothly.

Just like Christmas, we may get it or we may not. We may get a truthful response or we may not. Our words may be well received or not. They may be reciprocated or they may not. But as we sustain the practice, gradually over time, our truth will be appreciated and reciprocated. The thing for us to remember is that speaking our truth will always serve us well in the end.

Sometimes in gest, sometimes in seriousness we have all heard many times over, “And the truth shall set you free.” That is all we are being asked to do….just tell our truth in all things big and small. That is the HOPE.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate. Focus on what you truly want and need.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Drink lots of water.

-Journal your truths, your HOPEs and dreams. Or try automatic writing. Just close your eyes and open up your mind and randomly write anything and everything that pops into your head. Write with wild abandon. Don’t think, just write.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-The sun is still shining. Wahoo.

-Jul and Sandy are going on a road trip. That makes my heart sing.

-My friend, Judy, visited Stillwater for the first time. We just yakked and laughed. Mostly we laughed about our bad memories. We went out to dinner and had a terrific meal. It was just fun.

-My friend, Jody is happy. Her Mike has recovered.

-Nick is hanging in there and can even through his family some smiles. It just goes to show you what a powerful spirit can do.

-My girls say all is well. I can’t ask for more than that.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,






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