For your consideration…

Every family handles mealtime differently. We all come with memories of those meals and the feelings and attitudes that we experienced. Food is a requirement to survive for everyone but we all look at it differently. We like or dislike different foods for different reasons. Over time our attitudes, likes and dislikes, become implicit. We no longer are aware of them.or at least we don’t give them much thought.

My stepdad made dinner a nightmare. It was stressful. Either we were not eating what was put on our plate or we were eating too much of something else. Every meal he would find at least one of us to just stare at until he was ready to tell us what we were doing wrong and how we were going to correct it. Obviously, this was not a memory or experience I wanted my own children to experience.

I decided that I would never force my children to eat something they did not like. I did not want them to create a negative lasting memory. And as you well know, without that negative memory they forget and later on they try it again and love it.

The point of this story is to notice the energy and what happens when we force life. When we swim against the flow, that tends to become the implicit memory even if we have been successful with what we were trying to accomplish.

Today we are asked to notice the energy in our endeavors and make sure what becomes implicit is positive.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Notice the energy we create.


What made me smile yesterday…

-Catching up with Mary and Jackie.

-Lots of writing done.

-A new book.

-I got a sitter in for Bruce and went to my grandson, AJ’s, lacrosse amazing game. After trailing the first half of the game, Dexter came back to win in sudden death.


Love, Blessings, and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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