For your consideration…

We are asked….reminded….to let life unfold.

Some of us, me included, really struggle with this. Us type A’s, are going to get a task done “come h_ _ l or high water.”

Today’s message says stop, think about it. When we have to force something, we ruin its beauty. We ruin its natural grace. We disturb its natural peace.

Letting life unfold as it is meant to be allows for “grace” to be present in our life. It is nurturing and supportive. We are on the inside versus the outside.

It may seem like we are out of control but not so. We are in perfect control when we can let go, trust and adjust as we go. Remember we can always ask for help 25/7. We just have to remember to ask.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Let life unfold and run its natural flow. It is the path of least resistance.


What made me smile yesterday….

-The morning was not as planned but worked out perfectly.

-I made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare to pickup Bruce and Alex.

-We love the condo. We think we love the beach too but there is too much fog to see it. That is ok. We can hear it.

-Podcasts. I love the choices and technology we have today.

-A good book.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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