For  your consideration……

When the load is too heavy…..lighten it. That sounds easy enough. It makes sense when we read it or hear the words. But if it was that easy, it would never be a problem and we would automatically do it.

Why don’t we? For a lot of reasons we carry burdens unnecessarily Sometimes we feel guilty. We feel somehow we created the situation and need to see it through. That is not necessarily true but our ego creates guilt that binds us.

Sometimes we carry extra burden because we are trying to lighten the load of someone else. It’s noble if we have room for it and our burden is not too heavy already.

Sometimes we are possessive and we don’t want to share or give up something we love or perhaps have created even though it is time we did.

Sometimes we didn’t pick up the burden at all. We allowed someone else to add it too our load and we didn’t know how to say no.

I said to someone very recently, “Not everything that is put in our path is meant for us to solve. Sometimes we are meant to just step over it or sweep it away.” It is like a little test and if we can’t do that we end up with burdens added to our load that are not meant for us to carry.

There is a myriad of reasons and they may all seem good, but if the load is too heavy…. it is too heavy. Then we run the risk of breaking or falling. We can’t see the opportunities that are meant for us and if we did we don’t have the room to pick them up and carry them.

Have you ever been told, “Handle this or I will handle it for you.”? Those are some harsh words but in essence it is exactly how the Universe handles it when we allow our load to become to heavy. When we can’t see it or don’t know what to do, the Universe steps in and creates a scenario where we are forced to deal.

Consider these scenarios:

Your basement is in desperate need of cleaning out. It is an overwhelming task that you just don’t know where to begin. Then it get flooded and you are forced to step into action.

You are forced to move. Suddenly you realize all that needs purging. Hmmmm let me see. Move this object I  have not hused in 10 years or get rid of it. All of a sudden that is not a tough choice at all.

You don’t really like your job but are afraid to move on. Then you get a new boss that creates an unbearable work environment, suddenly you have the incentive you need to move on.

Perhaps you are a few credits short of your degree and a great job opportunity comes along but guess what? A degree is required. Suddenly you have new drive and incentive to complete the degree program.

Or perhaps you are in a love relationship that you know is not perfect. You know the person is not right for you but it is comfortable. Or maybe it is not comfortable but you are settling just to have someone there. Then they break it off or even find someone else. The Universe has just cleared your energy field for you. It has just lightened a burden that was not meant for you or was too heavy for you.

You get the picture. It can be a long-term or short-term situation when suddenly we are over burdened. Today we are told that we don’t have to wait on the Universe. We can engage it whenever we want. We can ask 24/7 for the help we feel the need. Whenever we feel overwhelmed, confused, frightened, exhausted etc., we can simply ask for help. Our Angels and Guides are ready, waiting and HOPEing we will engage them and let them lighten our too heavy load.

That is the HOPE.  And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…..Let  your burdens go.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Remember that your breath is your reset button. Take a couple of deep breaths whenever you find yourself stressed or panicked.

What made me smile yesterday……

-A beautiful classroom.

-Great students. (That is always a relief.)

-Catching up with Jackie.

-Alex made me laugh out loud.

-And so did Mackenzie and AJ’s video. It was so them.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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