“5 Chickadees” by Cathy Parkes

For your consideration……

Wow, when I got this message I did not immediately understand the broadness of it. Today’s message is the culmination of many of the messages we have been given.

In Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews we learn that the black cap on the Chickadee’s head is significant. It is a symbol of higher thinking in the perceptions and understanding the “mysteries” of life.

To the Cherokee, Chickadees are the bird of truth because they help to unfold the truths of life itself.

Chickadees like to travel in groups. They are very sociable but don’t let that deceive you. They are fearless as well.

There are 7 kinds of Chickadees tying them to the 7 rays of power, 7 major planets, 7 bodies of the human beings and 7 chakras.

It is the balance of the chakras that is key to today’s message. We recently, once again, had a message about truth. We were asked to drop all but the face and voice of our authentic self. Today’s message emphasizes that again. It is the truth that the world needs to see. The Chickadees remind us that sharing the truth can be done in a manner of joy. And in return we will receive truth in joy.

The fact that we were given exactly 5 Chickadees for today’s message is significant. Five is the number of change taking place very soon. We have received many many messages about standing in our own power, about the need for women all over the world to stand up in their power to balance world energy, and the importance of truth.

Rejoice. It is happening one person at a time as evidenced by our message today with the 5 Chickadees. The world will return to joy as the truth rises and the world’s energy is balanced. Blessed be.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate/pray……know and own your truth and feel your joy.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Don’t hold back. Let the whole truth flow.

What made me smile yesterday…….

-Basement trash to the curb. Wahoo.

-A great trip to Stillwater with Cathy.

-Meeting new people and having lots of fun at the VFW.

-Spending relaxing time on the deck.

-Dinner outside.

-A great walk where I met new neighbors.

-Watching a fun movie Cathy had not seen that she really loved.

-A sound nights sleep.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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