For your consideration……

Goldfinch covered our yard this morning. Just as I wondered if they would be part of the message, one flew into the window I was standing at (Gently, it was ok.) After that there was no mistaking that the Goldfinch were bringing in today’s message. But the question remained what it was.

Goldfinch usher in the summer solstice and remain highly active throughout summer. Goldfinch awaken those spirits we normally associate with nature spirits i.e.; sprites, faeries, elves etc. The black and yellow color of Goldfinch are the colors of Archangel Ariel who is the Archangel who oversees all of nature and those that work to nourish and heal it. Archangel Ariel is always working to heal and protect nature. Rarely silent the Goldfinch are the “between” bird, the bird that is between worldsthe present and spirit.

And that is the message today. We are being encouraged to awaken our spirit. We are reminded that it is our responsibility and we are being asked today to focus on it and put some of our energy into it. Often we think only in terms of formalized religion as the ways and means to awakening our spirit. But the reality is, there are many ways to do that if we keep our senses, heart and mind open.

If your attention is suddenly called to the sight or sound of a bird, pay attention. What is the message?

New people come across your path. Why? There are no coincidences. You have something for them and they for you.

A smell invokes a memory. What and why?

You hear something that is beautiful and it makes you feel good putting a footprint on your soul

Maybe a billboard catches your attention and you relate to the message. Or maybe it just makes you laugh opening your heart for joy.

Of course, meditation and prayer are the most effective and efficient way to awaken our spirit. But we are reminded that each and every day Mother Nature shares all she supports in the effort to catch our attention, open our senses, minds and hearts.

Today the Goldfinch reminds of that we are of this world and the next connected by spirit. They are encouraging us to fully awaken our spirit, nourish it and share it.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate/pray….listen to your spirit, your authentic self. Ask questions.

-Go for a walk. Spend as much time outdoors as you can. What do you see, hear or feel? Journal it.

-Take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Drink lots of water.

-Have fun. Do something that makes you laugh.


What made me smile yesterday…….

-Alex off work early for a long weekend.

-A PJ day.

-A nap on the couch.

-A great dinner at Middle Kingdom with Bruce, Bob and Jody.

-A dear friend, Carol, met up with us. If I add up linearly the years of just my friendship with each of them, it would add up to over 200 years. And if we added up their friendship with each other, it would be a staggering amount of years. We are blessed.



Saturday, Sept. 8, 2012, I will be conducting a 1-day workshop “And Your Truth Is…..” in Ann Arbor, MI. It will be from 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

If you are interested in learning a process to discovering your Life Purpose, please join me.

Contact me via a message on HOPEs Rising Facebook page or on 734.260.2540.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris



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