Rod’s Moment


For your consideration…..

Isn’t this picture beautiful? It was taken by my brother-in-law, Rod. Clearly Rod saw and felt the moment he was in and wanted to capture it. When I received our message for today, I immediately thought about this picture.

Today is easy… it should be. We are simply being asked to pick a moment. Any moment you are so inclined is perfect. Go outdoors and be still.

In this moment shut out all other thoughts and simply be fully present. What do you hear? What do you see? Stay in this place until you feel your Oneness with it. Feel how at the same time you are a small piece of it. Completely equal with all of you see and hear. Yet at the same time you are huge in it, and you feel everything surrounding you, supporting you.

This is exactly our relationship to life. We are a small but equal part of the whole with a huge part vital to the success of the whole. This is true of each and every one of us. Hear it. See it. Feel it. Know it. That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take……

-Meditate. Feel your Oneness to the whole. Honor that. Honor you.

-Drink lots of water. This is a special note to myself. I woke up with a terrible headache that immediately went away when I hydrated.

-Spend as much time outdoors as you can. Take in some deep breaths….at least 10. Remember, they do not have to be all at once. They can be spread throughout the day. Take deep breaths whenever you need to re-enter yourself.

-Journal what you heard, saw and felt during your “still moments”.



What made me smile yesterday…..

-We saw our Alex.

-We love our place.g

-I Skyped with my brother. Fun. Isn’t technology wonderful? I remember  when we were kids and we used to hear how one day we would be able to talk and see people on the phone. And look, here we are.

-I watched a family of Canadian geese. The mother and dad took their babies out for their first swim. Very funny. They are strict parents! Talk about towing the line….hmmmm is there a message here or example maybe?


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,







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