For your consideration…

Most of us have regrets of some sort. Where do these regrets come from? Often they come from comparisons. We think about how we could have done better.

The thing is those comparisons come from a new perspective. They come with hindsight. They come from a different time and places, with different conditions. Who we are right now is not who we were.

I often remark how much easier my second daughter had it compared to my first. But age, financial stability, family stability, etc. made it much easier. Despite the differences, they both grew up to be valuable patriotic citizens, fabulous wives and mothers, hard workers, and great friends. Regrets are useless. It shadows the great women they are. And it ignores the common threads of “love and intention.” No matter difference of conditions, the intense love and intention to be the best mom I could be was the same.

This is a simple example but HOPEfully it demonstrates today’s message. Don’t spend time on regrets. Focus on who we are, our love, and our intentions right now…at this moment. Whenever regret tries to steal our moment, let it go and return to who we are right now.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Focus on being our best self.


What made me smile yesterday…

-A nice visit with Alex and Conner.

-Jul helped us find a great new vet.

-Catching up with Jodie.

-All but one gift that I am waiting on is wrapped.


Love, Blessings, and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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