For your consideration…

I don’t know about you but I am that person that if something is on my “plate” I must accomplish it. This is a good thing, right? Well maybe, maybe not.

The message came in with an example I can understand. It is when you start to read a book and it is terrible, you just can’t get into it, or it is not what you thought it was going to be. What should you do? A reasonable person would just quit reading it and find another book. That seems so simple yet I personally have a hard time doing that. So what happens? You put off reading even though normally you can’t wait to sit down with a book.

So too it is with unfinished business. We may procrastinate doing it. We don’t get on doing other things because we have not completed this task. We are in essence stalling our forward progress.

It is understood that sometimes we have to do things we just don’t like or want to do. Procrastination does not help. It simply creates more angst. Maybe we can’t get it done all at once but we will feel better if we do something towards completing it. Even a small task like scheduling, making a phone call, etc. will help.

Today, however, our message wants to focus on our unfinished business as a whole. We are asked to look at what all we have put or allowed to be put on our plate. We are now supposed to ask ourselves some questions;

Is it my business or task to complete?

Who put it on my plate?

Does it make sense for me to do this? Is it for the highest good of myself and all?

Of course, these questions are meant for us to evaluate whether or not we are carrying things on our plate that should not be there. And, of course, we are being told to let them go. If they are something that must be done, pass it to the person who should be doing it. If it is something that doesn’t, just wipe it from our plate and let it go.

As our “plate” becomes cleaner, we will feel more motivated about getting the rest cleaned up.

The second part of today’s message is important. Be discriminating. Don’t accept tasks and business that is not ours to accept and/or we don’t want to do. Let me give you another personal example. An organization that I am in needs a backup Treasurer. I have a Master’s in business. I retired as a business planner. This should be a good fit for me and easy for me to do. But NO. I know from experience that this is a position that I do not like to do. It is a position I tend to procrastinate until it is absolutely necessary for me to get done. In the meantime, it hangs over my head. I am much better in the roles I have accepted. I entertain and cook for our planning meetings. And I take care of all of the other online communication like the schedule and emails.

Today we are asked to take a look with fresh eyes and an open mind and heart at what is on our plate. Eliminate what does not belong there and take steps towards completing whit is left. Then be careful and cognizant of what we allow to be put on there.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Clean up our “plate.”


What made me smile yesterday…

-Catching up with Alex, Jackie, and my brother.

-A beautiful day.

-A new plan for eliminating the moles in my yard.

-I have finally closed all of the bank accounts that Bruce and I had that we are no longer using. Wahoo.

-A good book.


Love, Blessings, and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris





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