For your consideration…

It should go without saying but it is definitely worth repeating…“Always go with your gut…your intuition.”

Many of our message of late have been about turning away from what we hear and going within. We have been asked to check with Spirit first. Let go of what we have always thought to be true or listening to others. This means we have to trust our instincts. Our instincts, our gut feelings, come from our heart and soul which is wher our Spirit lives and rules.

Trust your gut…always. Trust your instincts…always. If they caution us, we must listen and trust it is for our higher good. If they tell us to do something…we need to do it. And if they tell us not to do something, we need to not do it.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Listen to our gut.


What made me smile yesterday…

-A beautiful day and night.

-Catching up with my girls and Mary.

-I got to babysit with Conner. Unfortunately, he got a “war wound.” He got in a fight with a rose bush and lava rocks and lost. Since he scraped his face, I had to prewarn his parents. But Alex says it is gone this morning. Whew.

-A Chick-Inn burger.

-A good book.


Love, Blessings, and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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