For your consideration…

I have a routine that I try to follow each morning. I am successful about 80% of the time. I meditate at least until I receive our message, I pull an angel card for myself, I journal on its message and then I write the blog.

I am laughing this morning because that process “validated” today’s message. I had questioned it because Camille and I had been laughing about it at dinner Monday night. She said, “Oh yeah, just call me the Validator.” So when it came up this morning, I questioned if it was the message or my own thoughts. I sat with it for awhile and then decided that the message was indeed about “validation. I then came in and pulled my card to journal and guess what card flew out at me? Clairsentience. This card carries this message with it; “Notice your recurring and physical and emotional feelings, as they signify Divine guidance.” It validated to go with what I had heard this morning.

I explained all of that as an example of how our Divine Guidance works with all of us. They give us that nudge, whisper to us. We have that knowing, gut instinct…that we wonder if we are right. If we pause and ask for clarification or validation, we will receive the answers we seek. We just have to be open and prepared to see it. Let me give you another example. I have talked with a couple of different friends questioning if a product is ethical. Each time I have said the name of the product, a commercial has immediately popped up on my TV. For me, I take that as a validation.

Validations can be just for fun, they can be warnings, they can be clues, they can be that next step we have asked for etc. Once again we are reminded that we are not alone. We always have help walking with us. Our Guidance is with us 24/7 waiting for us to ask for help and/or notice the help they are giving us.

When I volunteered with our local domestic violence safe house, there is something that I would always say to a survivor. LISTEN TO YOU GUT INSTINCT. If we think we are being watched or followed, BELIEVE that it is true and act accordingly. That is what we are being told today. Listen to our instincts. If we question it, ask for validation, be ready to receive it and act accordingly.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Look, listen and see the validations that are put in front of us.


What made me smile yesterday…

-Fun students.

-Catching up with both my girls. They both make me laugh.

-Dinner with friends.

-A good book.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris




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