Milennium Tree


Josephine Wall

For your consideration…..

Our message today is very light-hearted….ahhhhhh. “Are we having fun yet?” is just a question meant to remind us to do just that.

This world has many problems but it is still an exciting time to live. Only last weekend as I talked with amazing women friends, I asked, “Do you ever remember your mother having these conversations with her friends?” And the answer is “no”.

The collective human consciousness is “waking up”….especially women. Who are we? What does our real self look like? What is our real self capable of? What is our life journey?

That you are here at this blog, that you have discussions with your friends, that we are asking these questions of ourselves and others and being open to the answers is evidence to our growth and commitment to it.

Women everywhere are remembering their power and standing up into it. There is no beating around the bush. If the shift in consciousness is to be successful, women have to stand fully in their roles.That is exciting. It calls for our joy in purpose.

So relax confidently and joyously in your day. There is nothing to prove. Just let the power of your authentic self bubble up and have fun with it. Smiles and laughter go a long way. They are contagious and they feel so good when they ripple on back to us.

The only successful manifestation

is one which brings about a change

or growth in consciousness:

that is, it has manifested God, or

revealed him more fully as well

as having manifested a form…

David Spangler



Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…..

-Meditate/pray….settle into your peace and let your joy bubble up.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and run, walk, play or sit. Take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Journal what your are grateful for.

-Laugh out loud.

-Phone a girlfriend.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-A day off.

-I finished an exam for a program I have been in for several months. Soon I will be a Reverend.

-Sandy and I finally touched base.

-A hot sunny day and cool night with a full moon.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,



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