For your consideration…..

This message actually came through yesterday. I wrote part of it down. Later I attended a book signing and during the discussion it came up again. I mention this because this is typical of how we receive affirmations on questions if we are aware and pay attention. The message is about our communication filters.

Most people hear, interpret and respond from their head or ego center where  our personal knowledge and experience sit. For most it is our first filter.

Sometimes we “feel” or hear our intuition talking to us. We feel it in our heart, stomach. We call it our inner knowing.We tend to use this as our second filter. We tend to think of it on an ad hoc basis if we consider it at all.

Today we are told that this is the exact opposite of how we should communicate. Our first filter should always be our intuition or inner knowing. Because it is our true self. It is our authentic self. It is our truth.   It is our inner authority that always has our highest good as priority. Our second filter should be our head with our life experience.

In all that we do….with all whom we come in contact with….always feel the energy. Do the words and actions match? Does it feel right or not? That is your first filter. How do you feel you should react? Once the assessment from our first filter is done then we can use what we have filtered from our head or ego filter.

This may sound like a lot of work. But it is no more so than how we operate today. It is simply switching which filter has priority. When we do that, we will  be working from our highest self. That is the HOPE.

For your consideration…..

-Meditate. There is no better way to begin to trust your inner knowing. It is just good practice.

-Drink lots of water.

-Take in at least 10 deep breaths out doors.

-There is nothing wrong in pausing and listening to yourself. Try it.


What made me smile yesterday…..

-On my way to breakfast there was a huge amazing sun behind me with a full moon in front of me. So special.

-Breakfast with Judy, Kevin and Carol. Thanks for buying, Kevin. It was a good planning meeting.

-A great book signing party for Pat Fero’s “Sacred Marching Orders”. Well done, my friend.

-Nick seems to be holding his own. Prayers are working. He is amazing.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,



One Response to Changing Your Filters

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