For your consideration…

Sometimes it takes me a long time to find a picture that is a good match for our message. Not today. Look at this picture. Isn’t she just perfect? Doesn’t she make you smile?

Our message is simple…attitude is everything.

And who chooses our attitude? We do. We get to choose how we look at every thing. We can wake up and think “Ugh.” Or we can wake up with excitement about what our day will bring. Think about it. We don’t know. It is a gift. Who doesn’t want a gift?

Turn off the “doom and gloom” news. Look at the blessings that surround us.

We are asked today to choose to look on the bright side. Choose happiness. Choose HOPE. Choose excitement. Choose curiosity. Choose love. Choose joy. Choose “I can.” Choose laughter etc.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…

-Affirm…“I am loved.”

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Choose to look on the bright side.

What made me smile yesterday….

-Getting the little things done.

-Catching up with Alex.

-Pretty random things can come out of my husband’s mouth right now. HOPEfully the doctor will have some suggestions for help Friday. Yesterday he just randomly blurted out, “Clear cut.” When I looked at him he said, “I have no idea where that come from.” We both just burst out laughing.

-I love to read. I read everything. But I have a hard time putting a book down that just has not grabbed my attention. My friend, Jim, tells me, “Look it is the author’s job to grab your attention within the first 25 pages. If they don’t do that, put it down and move on to another book.” I try but have a hard time doing that but I am going to make that my new rule. Two chapter and that is it. I am moving on.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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