For your consideration….

Today’s message is similar to yesterday’s in that it is drawing our attention to how our Guidance and Universe works all around us 24/7.

My friend, Camille, first introduced me to the phrase “coinky dink.” Some people would call them coincidences. But we know there are no coincidences. A coinky dink is like a life explanation point. It is an affirmation. Let me give you some examples I have experienced.

-I just can not make up my mind which of two tops to where when one of them falls off the hanger.

-Having a meaningful conversation and then hearing crows squawking as if confirming the conversation

-Not being sure if I have time to squeeze in a run into the grocery store and a parking place opens right in front of the door.


-I once had a conversation with a coworker about “boundaries.” The next day he brought me in a book entitled Boundaries. He said it flipped him out. He went to pick up his daughter from soccer practice. When he opened the door to get out of his car, there laying on the ground in the parking lot was that book.

-This morning as I again pondered about today’s message and how its difference from yesterday’s, I pulled a was shuffling a deck of angel cards. I do this everyday and then journal on the card. Literally, as soon as I started shuffling, the card “Spiritual Understanding” jumped out of the deck. It is an affirmation that today’s message, like yesterday’s, is meant to add to our spiritual understanding and how the Universe works around us.

Coinky dinks do not have to be big. Most often they are about little things that offer us support, pats on the back, pointers to the right direction, roadblocks to the wrong direction, help, affirmations etc. Coinky dinks are our Guidance making us aware of their presence. They are all good.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Watch for “coinky dinks.”

What made me smile yesterday…..

-Sleeping in.

-My brother is here for a visit.

-His son, Andy, stopped by to see him.

-Watching Mother Nature in action. She is powerful and amazing.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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