For your consideration…..

I have to be honest. This is not the first day this bird has called to me. I heard it a couple of days ago and did not see it as part of the message. Hmmm. Must pay better attention.

Today as I was finished meditating and thought I had our message, I heard this bird call to me again. “So,” I ask. “Is this the message or is it the one I just received.” The answer was “both.”

In Greek mythology, Ceyx was drowned shortly after marrying Halcyor. She searched the shore everyday waiting for Ceyx to return until one day his body washed ashore. Distraught she threw herself into the sea. The Gods were so moved that they were turned into Kingfishers and flew off into the blue skies. The kingfisher is a symbol of peace and holds the promise of abundance and prosperity. It is a bold bird fishing for a living.

How does that relate to today’s message? Today’s message is about stretch goals. Actually even more than that. We are asked to accept that the possibilities of life and beyond are endless. For example; a life without worries, a world of peace, abundance, talents etc.

Often we talk about “bit by bit, piece by piece” focusing on the next step, encouraging us to be fully present. It is something we are fully capable of doing. Not so easy is “letting go of the outcome.” Why is this important? Because we are not capable of imagining big enough, so we limit ourselves.

We are given the kingfisher today to remind us to be bold and dive into the new adventures that are put before us fearlessly. They hold the promise of peace, prosperity and abundance that is beyond our imagination.

That is the promise and the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths. Listen and watch for what calls out to you in nature.

-Let go of the outcome and believe, believe, believe in infinite possibilities.

What made me smile yesterday….

-Surprising news.

-Another beautiful day.

-I was sitting on the back deck at Stillwater reading a book. My husband, Bruce, was standing as he always does which is crazy because his feet are always painful. He walked by me and grabbed my foot. Rubbing it he says, “Oh, Baby Booty, you have feet like a grizzly bear. I’m so jealous.” I laugh and he goes on to say, “It’s true. They are like the tire on a 747. You could land on an aircraft carrier. I wish I had those.”

-Bruce smokes. At home he smokes in the garage. Stillwater does not have one so he smokes on the back deck or front porch. Tiki torches etc. do a good job with mosquitos. But for 4-5 days in the summer, we get fish flies. Last night I heard him grumbling. This place is like Jurasic Park.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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