For your consideration….

A woodpecker showed up with today’s message perfect for this Spring morning.

In Animal-Speak by Ted Andrews we learn that woodpeckers are about the power of rhythm and discrimination. The drumming of the woodpeckers are announcing upcoming changes. Our message today is about how we manage and relate to them. Native Americans believe that the woodpeckers drumming is tied to the heartbeat of Mother Earth. Its energy…and our energy…are essential.

The black and white color of the woodpecker tells us that we are seeing things as black and white. The red they have reminds us to think or rethink about how we are seeing ourselves, others, issues etc.

Woodpeckers drill in and dig deep. We are reminded today that we have done the same. Sometimes that show great strength and fortitude but sometimes we have dug ourselves into a hole are not looking at things that need to be reexamined….reexamined by US. Woodpeckers have a unique flight pattern. It is another reminder and caution to do our own thinking. Rarely do we know how thorough, thoughtful, honest, the criteria etc. others have done to form their opinion.

Woodpeckers are solid in their own foundation and follow their own rhythms. They are the example given to us today. We weren’t given a parrot. We were given a woodpecker. Changes are forthcoming with powerful physical energies for us. We are asked to do our own research, analyzation, thinking etc. We are reminded that our foundation is solid and we are fully capable of deciding what is right for us and able to stand up for and defend it.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water to help cleanse our body, mind and soul.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Change is coming…good change…welcome it.

What made me smile yesterday….

-A wonderful warm day.

-My grandson’s first lacrosse game. It was great. He was great.

-My, Peanut, was called to the office and surprised to be given a package for a banquet because she is one of the top 25 students!

-I surprised Bruce with a “slim jim.” We haven’t had those in a long time. It worked perfectly because there was a Big Boys on the way home from the game.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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