“Watching You”
Writer(s): Rodney A. Atkins, Brian Gene White

Driving through town just my boy and me
With a happy meal in his booster seat
Knowing that he couldn’t have the toy
Till his nuggets were gone
A green traffic light turned straight to red
I hit my brakes and mumbled under my breath
His fries went a flying and his orange drink covered his lap
Well then my four year old said a four letter word
That started with “s” and I was concerned
So I said son now now where did you learn to talk like that

He said I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We got cowboy boots and camo pants
Yeah we’re just alike, hey ain’t we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I’ve been watching you

We got back home and I went to the barn
I bowed my head and I prayed real hard
Said Lord please help me help my stupid self
Then this side of bedtime later that night
Turning on my son’s Scooby Doo nightlight
He crawled out of bed and he got down on his knees
He closed his little eyes, folded his little hands
And spoke to God like he was talking to a friend
And I said son now where’d you learn to pray like that

He said I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
We like fixing things and holding mama’s hand
Yeah we’re just alike, hey ain’t we dad
I wanna do everything you do
So I’ve been watching you

With tears in my eyes I wrapped him in a hug
Said my little bear is growing up
He said but when I’m big I’ll still know what to do

Cause I’ve been watching you dad, ain’t that cool
I’m your buckaroo, I wanna be like you
And eat all my food and grow as tall as you are
By then I’ll be as strong as superman
We’ll be just alike, hey won’t we dad
When I can do everything you do
Cause I’ve been watching you


For your consideration…..

This song reminds us that our children are always watching and learning from us and the world they are exposed to. Responsible parents are ever aware of this and monitor the influences in their children’s lives.

Today’s message tells us that never changes. We are all students constantly learning from everything that we are exposed to. The difference is that whether we are aware of it or not, we self-select. We are naturally drawn to those people and things that make us happy and are good for us. We emulate what impresses us and shy away from or shun what does not.

On the flip side, just as we are all students, we are all teachers. Every day is an opportunity to demonstrate honor, honesty, courage, determination, confidence, love, faith, HOPE and charity etc.

We are asked to be excellent students and teachers.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take….

-Meditate/pray…ask…”What is my next step for my highest good and the highest good of all?”

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Pay attention to where you are drawn.

What made me smile yesterday…..

-A beautiful day.

-A quiet morning at Stillwater.

-Talking with both my girls as they checked in with Bruce for Father’s Day along with a funny text from God-daughter Kerri.

-Dinner on the Sidetrack patio.

-A ladybug visit. Thanks, Dad.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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