For your consideration…….

Today’s message comes from Archangel Metatron. When we seek to know our life purpose, he is usually the Archangel who steps up to help us. He does not always tell you what  you want to hear but he ALWAYS tells you or leads you to what is best for you. And he does it with the utmost love. Today he tells us “no pegs….no limits”.

We are referred back to a message we received a while ago. It reminded us that me are multi-faceted. With that in mind, we are also asked not to limit ourselves and stay open to use our gifts in a myriad of ways.

Sometimes we just get it. We know exactly what we are supposed to do. We see a path. We have a project. We are clear. We are so clear and so focused that we are blinded to opportunities along the way. We are so focused on our target audience so to speak, we miss the expanded one. We miss all of the people along the way that could use our knowledge, wisdom, compassion, love, experience, talent etc.

We have a tendency to peg or minimize ourselves and in so doing we limit our effectiveness. We are much more capable than we think we are.

Let go, Lightworkers, and stay open and ever vigilant to those around you to whom you could be of benefit.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.

Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can take…….

-Meditate/pray…..take every opportunity to listen to the silence.

-Drink at least (10) 8 oz. glasses of water or half your body weight.

-Get outdoors and take in at least 10 deep breaths.

-Release self-doubt. It served your ego and you no longer need it.

What made me smile yesterday……

-Crazy New Year’s Eve texts.

-Snow, snow and more snow. A perfect day for the Winter Classic in Ann Arbor.

-Michigan State won the Rose Bowl. OK….I admit to being a skeptic on that one.

-Talking with Cathy.

-My new fleece blanket that keeps me toasty when it is sooooooo cold out.

Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris


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