Screenshots_20130823_010542For your consideration……..

Hopesrising is all about HOPE. It’s about growth. It is about loving life, self and others. It is about living life to the fullest and fulfilling our life purpose.

I want to say that because we need to keep that in mind as we hear today’s message.

We all have dreams. We need them. They help us grow. But sometimes our dreams are flawed. Maybe they are too small. Maybe there are consequences that are too costly or at cross purposes. After all, we are not God and we can not see the entire picture and where we fit into it.

It is much like a puzzle. We get pieces as we go and find out where they fit. Sometimes puzzle pieces get mixed up with other puzzles and don’t belong to our’s at all.

That’s what our message today is about. Sometimes we have dreams and as we move towards them we realize they are flawed. We realize on some level they are not good for us.

Today’s message is about letting go of those dreams….. don’t  go chasing waterfalls. We can admire them for their beauty and what they added to our life. But we have to realize when they are no longer serving our highest purpose and be brave enough to let them go.

That is the HOPE. And so it is.


Bit by bit, piece by piece, HOPE by HOPE action steps anyone can do…….

-Meditate/pray……listen to your truth.

-Drink lots of water.

-Get outdoors and take in at least ten deep breaths.

-Rejoice it’s Friday.


What made me smile yesterday……..

-There legs to a plane trip two shuttles and at went smoothly and perfectly.

-Seeing our beautiful Alex.

-And she has lots of room for us.

-Life is so good.


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,

Rev. Chris




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